Friendship Manor
Friendship Manor
1209 - 21st Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
Main 309-786-9667
Fax 309-786-5611

First you should know a few things about Friendship Manor. To begin with, it’s a Continuing Care Retirement Community. That means that you’ll find Independent Living, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, and Rehabilitative Services all at this one site – convenient and comfortable. And, since it’s a nonprofit community founded by the King’s Daughters and Sons back in 1979, you know it’s safe and secure.

sandwichIn fact, our residents and visitors have commented that ‘It feels like home’ so often during our first 30 years that the phrase is now the theme for Friendship Manor. But unlike home, there are so many fun things to do – and since our wonderful staff takes care of all your chores, you have more time to enjoy yourself. And the food? It’s wonderful! It's all prepared by highly trained and very talented roseculinary professionals and is served by an efficient and courteous wait staff. You'll just love it!

©2008 Friendship Manor
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