Menard Convalescent Center
Menard Convalescent Center
120 West Antle
Petersburg, IL 62675
Phone : (217) 632-2249
Fax: (217) 632-2314

About us:
Since opening its doors in 1966, Menard Convalescent Center has been an area leader in skilled nursing care. We are located approximately 25 miles from Springfield in Petersburg, Illinois.

Here you’ll find all the specialty care you expect:

* Skilled nursing care
* Physical, occupational & speech therapies
* Rehabilitative & restorative programs
* Care for the terminally ill & hospice
* Tube feeding
* I.V. therapy
* Respite Care
* Therapeutic recreation
* Social services
* Pastoral care

… but you’ll also find

elements that are absolutely unique to our facility, approaches that clearly bring the “home” back into the nursing home experience. More color, more fun, more creativity and teams that function like families, with everyone pitching in to take care of our residents and our visitors.

Nursing Care

Restorative nursing measures are practiced seven days per week and are aimed at making every effort to keep our residents active. We encourage our residents to achieve independence in the activities of daily living.

When necessary, residents may choose to see their regular dentist, optometrist, and podiatrist. However, Menard Convalescent Center has a dentist, optometrist, and podiatrist who come to our facility to regularly see our patients.

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