Swann Special Care Center
Swann Special Care Center
109 Kenwood Drive
Champaign, IL 61821
Phone: (217) 356-5164


Medical Rehabilitation Centers, Inc., a Kentucky corporation, was formed in May 1992 as a successor to affiliated companies who commenced business operations in 1989. In 1989, the company was engaged to manage pediatric long-term healthcare facilities. In 1990, the Company added the management of geriatric long-term healthcare facilities to its scope of activity. In 1996, the Company acquired two assisted living facilities.


A state-of-the-art Financial Information System that provides all basic financial functions including billings, payroll, payables and general ledger. These basic functions are supplemented by a comprehensive management information system which provides management with receivables and payables agings, payroll management reports, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, budget analysis, and cash flow requirements. Effective risk management and field auditing programs are a part of the overall financial services provided.


Provide staff to perform market assessments at each location and implement plans and training programs to enhance census building and sound cost control practices.


Provide staff to ensure the facilities are properly maintained through preventive maintenance programs with timely repairs. Appropriate records for all equipment are maintained and all necessary staff receive proper training.


Provide consulting services to ensure resident dietary needs are met in pleasant surroundings. The operating objective in these areas is for the nutritional food to look and taste good and be prepared and served economically.


The health care units at each facility need continual advice and guidance on how to meet the latest federal and state requirements. This service is provided through the company's consulting nurses.
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