Transitions Nursing & Rehabilitation
Transitions Nursing & Rehabilitation
1000 Dixon Road,
Rock Falls, IL 61071
Phone:(815) 625-8510
Fax:(815) 625-8443

Welcome to Transitions Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

If you are reading this, chances are you are facing a decision about nursing home placement for yourself or a loved one. Whether you are considering 24-hour care, skilled nursing services, or rehabilitation to increase independence, we understand that making this decision is a difficult one. We want to make this decision easier.
If you have not already done so, we invite you to tour our facility. A member of our professional staff will be happy to give you a guided tour and to answer any questions you may have.

Beautician & Barber Services
Family-Style Dining
Cable Hook-Up Included
Centrally Located Nurse's Stations
Door Alarm Safety Systems
Guest Meals
Housekeeping Services
Intergenerational Activities
Non-denominational Church Services
Maintenance Services
Outings and Special Events
Pastoral Services
Patio and Courtyard
Pre-admission Counseling
Special Events
Recreational Program
Resident Council
Volunteer Program
Wanderguard Safety Systems

Skilled Nursing Services

Our 24-hour skilled nursing services are directed by an R.N. with expertise in geriatric nursing and long-term care. Our nursing team consists of nurse managers, RN’s, LPN’s, and certified nurse assistants. Transitions Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is extremely proud of our high RN staff average. As a skilled nursing facility, we are able to provide a wide range of services, including IV therapies, enteral nutrition, wound treatments and prevention, and end-of life services. Whether providing daily assistance or complex medical care, our nursing team works together to follow the plan of care that has been developed by the interdisciplinary team and attending physician.

We offer a state of the art wound care, Celleration’s Mist Therapy. Mist Therapy using acoustic pressure to heal wounds. Celleration ® Inc. , a Minnesota based medical device company, has produced an impressive and growing body of clinical research with an exciting new wound healing device, the MIST Therapy ® System. MIST Therapy is a painless non-contact ultrasound device that is easy to use with a short treatment time. MIST Therapy promotes wound healing through cellular stimulation while removing bacteria from the wound allowing clinicians to heal wounds faster

Copyright Douglas Rehabilitation & Care Center
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